7 South Evans Station Road, Lemont Furnace, PA 15456

Township Services


Every household is required to pay a $12.00 a year recycle fee.  We are pleased to have recycling within our Township. You are required to use the blue recycling can the township provides. Acceptable items for pick-up include the following but not limited to items on the guideline below:

· Co-Mingled (Mixed Items): Aluminum food and beverage cans, bi-metal, steel, or tin cans, glass bottles, jars (green, Brown, clear) plastic containers (# containers, but no paper bags). To prepare these items, please empty and rinse, clean thoroughly, remove lids and flatten when possible.

· Newspaper: Anything that comes as part of the newspaper can be accepted for recycling. This includes inserts, glossy coupons, and the comic section. Also, magazines and paperback books are accepted. Place directly into recycling bin with co-mingled items.

· Cardboard: Must be broke down and  place directly into recycling bin with co-mingled items.

Commercial and institutional establishments are required to set up recycling at their locations and provide annual reports to the township secretary. Reports can be obtained from the collection company that your establishment decided to recycle with.



We are very pleased to announce that we have an approved compost site in operation at our Municipal Building. At the present time, we accept Leaf Waste, which is leaves, garden residues, shrubbery and tree trimmings, and similar materials. You may bring these materials to the Municipal Building during the following hours: Monday – Saturday 7 a.m. – Dusk, but please be sure to place in the correct bins. Please make sure that your leaf waste are free of undesirable materials, such as cans and bottles and do not leave the materials in bags. Please take your bags home with you, unless using our Biodegradable bags which we provide at the township building. During business hours, you must first sign in at the office before dumping.  Commercial companies must have a written permit and pay a drop-off fee to use the compost site.



Usable compost mulch is available free of charge throughout the year. Please call Township for availability 724-438-6316



Effective, in 1999 the township went with mandatory garbage collection (click here to review garbage ordinance and amendment) for both residential and commercial customers. Residential customers are picked up curbside once a week, while commercial customers are picked up based on their contract.

This ordinance was obtained to help eliminate illegal dumping along township roads. If you see any illegal dumping, please contact the township office at 724-438-6316 with the license plate number and location. Your identity will be kept confidential or is not required at all. Your assistance in reporting this will allow our Township to be a clean place to live.

If you want to set up service with Noble Environmental, please contact them at 1-800-437-1759 or visit their website at www.nobleenviro.com where you can set up accounts and pay your bill.


Burning in the Township is permitted on Wednesday 4:00 p.m.—8:00 p.m. and on Saturdays 8:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. You are not permitted to burn any recyclable items, garbage, tires, asphalt or any other hazardous pollutant materials and burning must be supervised at all times. Hours extended each spring and fall to accommodate yard clean up. Please review our burning ordinance and note NO COMMERCIAL OR INSTUTIONAL BURNING.


Our township implemented an MS-4 Stormwater Management Ordinance (Click here to view ordinance and obtain all necessary forms). For more details pertaining to this please call North Union Township Supervisors at 724-438-6316. Stormwater Management Plans are reviewed by K2 Engineering, Inc. 724-439-3440 once received by our office.


On July 13, 2004, we enacted a resolution to begin locally enforcing the Uniform Construction Code within the Township. As part of the action the Board of Supervisors by agreement appointed K2 Engineering, Inc. as the third party agency responsible for administering the Code within the Township. The following are the guidelines to be followed:

· Contact K2 Engineering, Inc. for an Application and complete with your Contractor or Design Professional. Submit along with three copies of your plans and specifications and Plan Review Fee to K2 Engineering, Inc., 234 Pittsburgh Street, Uniontown, PA 15401. The Plan Review Fee is project based so please contact K2 Engineering, Inc. to determine the appropriate fee.

· Upon approval of your plans you will receive one approved set of plans and specifications to be maintained on the construction site. You will also be notified of the required inspections for your specific project.

· Inspection shall be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance.

· Upon satisfactory completion of all necessary inspections a Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued.

· Any questions on the guidelines should be directed to K2 Engineering, Inc., 234 Pittsburgh Street, Uniontown, PA 15401. You can also contact their office by phone 724-439-3440.


In an effort to keep our roadways as clean as possible, the township has partnered with Keep Fayette County Green to form a Roadway Adoption Program (RAP). If you or your group are interested in our RAP Program, contact the township at 724-438-6316 or Sheila Shea at Keep Fayette County Green at 724-888-7525. The following are roads that have already been adopted within our township:




The Township has five (5) voting districts. Primary and General election polls are located at these 5 locations. Voting hours are from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Please call the Fayette County Election Bureau at 724-430-1289 for more information on becoming a registered voter.

District #1 ~ Clark Elementary School

District #2 ~ Marshall Elementary School

District #3 ~ North Union Township Municipal Building

District #4 ~ North Union VFW Post 8543

District #5 ~ Valley Sportsman’s Club


In order to make snow removal easier for our Road Department, please park all automobiles including recreation vehicles, boats, trailers, etc. in off-street spaces. This will eliminate the chances of damage of vehicles, prevent accidents and will aid in a more efficient means of operation.

We will not attempt to plow, if such obstructions are present during the snow removal process. The Township will not be responsible for damage to shrubbery, damage to mailboxes or any other private property located within the Township right-of-way. Also, shoveling snow from your driveway onto Township roads is illegal and subject to a fine. Please cooperate with us so we can make the roads safe for everyone.