7 South Evans Station Road, Lemont Furnace, PA 15456




Michelle Miller- Office Manager ~ Angela Jenkins – Billing
W. Curt Matthews & Jim Cooper – System Operators                                                    John Phelan – Laborer


Board Members
Ron Cole ~ Delmar Lowry ~ Curtis Matthews ~ Frank Mutnansky ~ Frank Rudzienski

The sewage board consists of five (5) members that are appointed by the Township Supervisors to serve on behalf of the township regarding any decisions that need to be made for our public sanitary sewage system. They meet on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 1:30 p.m. at the North Union Township Recreation Center.

The sewage department is responsible for maintaining all public sanitary sewage lines and if any sewage extensions will be made. If any problem occurs with your sewage line you need to contact our office once you are positive the problem does not exist in your own line.

If you are building a new structure, you must also contact our office and obtain a sewage permit for each structure/rental space that is being built. Before you can apply for a zoning permit, you must have this permit purchased.

Office Hours 7:00 a.m. — 4:00 p.m. Monday — Friday
Closed on Holidays and Weekends

120 Commonwealth Drive, Ste 101, Lemont Furnace, PA 15456
(Located in the Recreation Center)


Right to Know Request

Right to Know Officer:

Michelle Miller


PA Office of Open Records


Billing Information

Forms of Payments accepted at the OFFICE are as follows:

  1.  Direct Debit (ACH)  – No Charge! Sign up today! Payment will be withdrawn on the 10th of each month.
  2. Check
  3. Money Order

Forms of ONLINE/PHONE Payments accepted are as follows:

  1. Credit Card – When Paying with a Credit Card a service fee of 2.5% (minimum of $1.25) for credit card transactions will be charged.
  2. Phone – Call 1-724-613-4940
  3. Online – https://northunion.epayub.com/

Monthly sewage bills are due by the 20th of each month. If you have signed up for the direct debit service then the payment is deducted out of your checking account on the 10th of each month.

Billing for Residential Customers is a flat rate fee each month.

Per 3500 Gallons( 1 EDU) $37.00/Month

Billing for Commercial & Industrial Customers is Based on water consumption.

The cost per 3,500 Gallons( 1 EDU) $37.00/month anything above the 3,500 gallons is billed $11.00 per 1,000 gallons.

Recycling is $1.00 per month = $12.00 a year

Fax 724-438-7126
Email: [email protected]

Meeting Agenda

February 12, 2025