7 South Evans Station Road, Lemont Furnace, PA 15456

Township Supervisors

The Township is governed by a three (3) member Board of Supervisors, each is elected for a staggered six (6) year term. Supervisors are Robert Tupta, Curtis Matthews and Ronald Landman.  The Supervisors are vested with the executive and legislative powers of the Township. They establish municipal policy and enact laws that will help maintain the health, safety and welfare of residents. The Supervisors also set the budget, pay bills, establish tax rates, executive contract, etc.

The Secretary and Treasurer are appointed by the Supervisors each year. Under the Supervisors direction, the Secretary manages the daily functions on the Township Office, while the Treasurer is responsible for the proper accounting and reporting of all financial activities of the Township. The Treasurer also prepares budgets and provides financial information to the Board.

Road Department

Thomas Haragos ~ Gregory Moscalink ~ Michael Yourchik ~ Stephen Stiner  Ralph McClain ~ Carl Wilson ~ Justin Marva ~ Susan Filicky

The Road Department is comprised of seven (7) full-time employees who maintain over 76 miles of state qualified roads and 15 miles of non-qualified roads and (1) Office Clerk. We have a fleet of 8 plow trucks, 6 regular trucks and 2 backup trucks. The Department is responsible for the maintenance/repair of equipment, erection of street signs, winter snow removal, storm sewer and drain work.

The office clerk handles anything that comes into the office from paperwork that needs filed, phone calls coming in and miscellaneous bookkeeping.

Code Enforcement Officers

Jay A. Stutler Office Phone 724-438-0802

The Code Enforcement Officer has the powers and abilities which are granted to him under the laws of the Commonwealth, of the rules of the supreme court of the ordinances of the Township for which a fine or penalty is imposed unless otherwise expected in this act.

Board of Auditors

Robert Bodnar ~ Donald Santore ~ Melvin Campbell

The Board of Auditors settles and adjusts the accounts of the Township Annually in accordance with the provisions of the second class Township code.

Tax Collector

James Mari – Office Phone 724-438-0249
His office is located at:  1197 Connellsville Road, Lemont Furnace, PA 15456

The Township and County taxes are included on your bill, which are mailed in February of each year. The School District taxes are mailed in August of each year, with all tax bills having discounts, face and penalty periods. Also, included on these are per capita.

If your home is appraised at $100,000.00 you would pay the following is Real Estate Taxes:

Township …………………. .447 Mills ~ North Union Township Tax $44.70
County …………………… 6.76448 Mills ~ County of Fayette $676.45
School District ……….18.3206 Mills ~ Laurel Highlands School District $1,832.06

The Township and County taxes are included on your bill, which are mailed in February of each year. The School District taxes are mailed in August of each year, with all tax bills having discounts, face and penalty periods. Also, included on these are per capita.

Southwest Regional Tax Bureau (SWRTB)


SWRTB collects the Earned Income Tax, which is 1% of your gross wages. SWRTB also collects the Local Service Tax, which is $52.00 each year effective July 1, 2010, for anyone working within North Union Township earning $12,000.00 or more per year. This amount is split $47.00 to the Township and $5.00 to Laurel Highlands School District. Any employee earning $12,000.00 per year, is required to pay $5.00 which is applied to Laurel Highlands School District only.

Township Solicitor - Attorney William Martin

The Township Solicitor shall prepare ordinances and resolutions, take legal action on behalf of the Township, defend the Township on all legal matters and render legal opinions to the Township.

District Justice - Nathan Henning

The District justice shall act on summary offenses, matters arising under the Landlord Tenant Act, civil claims not exceeding $8,000.00, traffic offences, preside at arraignments and preliminary hearings, fix and accept bail and conduct marriage ceremonies.


K2 Engineering, Inc.,
234 Pittsburgh Street, Uniontown, PA 15401
Phone 724-439-3440
Please visit their website at www.k2engineering.net